Team Formation and Playing Time Policy
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Team Formation and Playing Time Policy
Mar 26, 2021
| Published by Matt Kuhrt

Team Formation:

U8/9-U12 Team Formation:

Teams at the U8/9-U12 levels will be formed as balanced teams.  This means that we attempt to balance the skill level of all of the teams in the age group, such that they are as even as reasonably possible.   There will be no assessments or try-outs.  Skill level will be determined by coaching staffs and travel directors’ observations over the course of a season.  At U8/9 a best attempt will be made based on general knowledge of players, prior soccer experience, and general observations. 

U13 and U14 Team Formation Process: (INSTITUTED 2021)

CESC will form competitive teams based on player evaluations and assessments at U13 and U14 that participate at the D1 level.  This will bring our U13 and U14 teams in line with other towns.  Please see our U13 and U14 Policy and Q and A statement to fully understand this change. 


U8/9-U11: CESC expects equal playing time for all players.

U12: CESC expects at least 50% playing time, and coaches at these levels may also use discretion to address behavior and attendance issues. 

U13-14: No minimum; coaches at these levels may use discretion.

All playing time policies are in accordance with Soccer Maine guidelines for teams.   It should be noted that "equal playing time" and "50% playing time" is over the course of a season, NOT in each and every game.  

 Lastly, it should be noted that in rare instances 50% may not be possible if a team has more than double the number of kids on the field.  This could happen if the number of registrants pushes team numbers to the maximum allowed but does not allow for the formation of an additional team.